Matteo Rizzolli My personal page

Who am I. Professionally.

At LUMSA University I am professor of Economic Policy where I coordinate locally the European Master of Law and Economics. Here I also teach ad the undergraduate level (Public Economics) and at the Graduate level (Better Regulation and Experimental Methods for Law) I also teach and supervise at our Ph.D. program.

Furthermore at the Pontifical John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family I am stable professor of the chair on Political Economy of the Family Institution and I teach both at the graduate and doctoral level.

I am also treasurer of the Italian Society of Law and Economics; I co-edit the International Review of Economics; I am member of the Board of the Economy of Francesco and member of the Scientific committee of the CISF (Centro Internazionale Studi Famiglia).

My research Interests concern primarily law & economics, behavioural public policy and regulation, experimental economics, family economics and family policies.

Ok, but who am I, really.

Well, above all, I am husband to Lucia, and father to Chiara, Leonardo, Ginevra, Romeo, Margherita and Adriano. I like to take pictures of my family, I love running and climbing.


Department of Law, Economics, politics and Languages (GEPLI)
LUMSA University
Via Pompeo Magno 28
00191 Roma
F: +39 06 68 422
Email: m.rizzolli[&]